Dog Training & Rehabilitation
Are you ready to restart your relationship with your dog? At Taggs K9, we teach you how to love through leadership. That is what your dog craves. Want to learn how to be a good pack leader for your pup? Get the conversation started by filling out our contact form below.

Contact Form
Fill out the form below to send us a message to let us know you'd like to connect. You will get INSTANT access to our services and pricing guide via your email. We will not share your information or continue marketing to you.
Set a Date!
Click here to Request A Call Back (there is also a link in our price guide). We'll talk about your dog and you'll get some tips to get started right away!
Watch your Email
We'll send you information immediately after you complete this form. You will get a thank you if you decide to schedule a consultationn. We communicate through email during your program with us, so be sure to add our email to your safe senders list once you decide to sign up!